Little Girl on YouTube - Pics from the filming of Little Girl accompanied by a still unfinished version of the song . 

Visitor from Norwaaaaayyyy!!!

I haven't written anything in a few days because the internet isn't working at my house... It's really annoying. But it's all good, especially because my dear friend Anine is flying in from Norway today! I'm picking her up right after school, and I can't wait to see her :)
My roommate's best friend, Mari, is also visiting at the moment so we'll be four Norwegian ladies running around the apartment and sharing a room. We have two huge beds and a pretty big room so it's going to be so much fun! Crazy crazy norwegians everywhere. Can you say SLEEPOVER? Fun fun fun.
I am going to school now, and after that I am going to practice some songs with Matt that we will be recording at Playback on Saturday. After practice I have a voice lesson with my WONDERFUL voice coach who I love, and then I am picking up Anine.
I am currently downloading a little video onto YouTube. It's just put together of pictures from the filming of Little Girl with the song playing. As soon as it's finished loading I'll post the link here. You'd better watch it!! And please leave a comment... Here or on YouTube... Comments are fun! And helpful. I welcome all feedback :)

Music Video - Day 3

We have finished the filming of "Little Girl". I am proud, happy, anxious, and I'm really sad it's over! It was so much fun. Yesterday we got the last footage needed, I was wearing a black wig, black dress and crazy eye make-up. We went on location to Cachuma Lake and found a really cool tree that I got to climb and sing in, and then we filmed me sitting by the lake and later me waist-deep in the lake. IT WAS COLD! But soooo fun and 100000% worth it because I think it turned out great. One of my favorite scenes was also shot yesterday; it's a close-up of me crying blood. Looks SO real, thanks to Veronica's secret miracle recipe of fake blood. What a multi-talent!
The bloody teardrop!
I'm sad because I don't want to stop hanging out with and working with this crew! They are all so talented and fun to be around.
The crew; Michael, Arren, Veronica, me and Andy.
I am so thankful to all of them for making this weekend a dream come true for me. I've wanted to be filmed in front of a green screen since I saw Christina Aguilera do it on MTV when I was like 11!! And come on, who doesn't dream about crying blood?
Veronica said I looked like a prostituted mermaid. THANKS, BABE! hehe
Brrrrr! Frrreeeezing...
I held a mini-concert for the crew from across the lake.
This was Veronica's favorite scene, and hopefully I did a good job so she's happy about it!! I love her so much for giving me this opportunity.. I loved every second of it, and now I can't wait to see the result!
We are both super tired, but really happy with what we've accomplished this weekend. <3 Love <3

Music video day 2 - flashbacks and fairytales

So I just got home from a long but fantastic day of shooting some really really good scenes for the video. First we did a few flashbacks from my life, with a cheating and violent boyfriend, and then we had one of the little girls I babysit come in and play me as a little, scared girl. She did a great job, and so did my "boyfriend". The next thing we shot was me dressed as a fairy, dancing around at the beach. Umm yeah  I know, right? I just had to fit that in there somewhere :P BUT! I'm not exactly dancing normally, I'm completely psycho, with jerky and twisty movements. SO FUN! Of course the crew did an amazing job yet again; Veronica, Andy, Michael and Arren are so chill and easy to work with. I CAN'T WAIT TILL TOMORROW! DAY 3! Black wig, black dress, teardrops of blood and a jet black lake. yay! happy and bubbly and light. Hmm
Twisted fairytale at the beach :) The crew and me

Music Video - Day 2

Second day of the shoot! It's 8 AM and we start shooting in two hours. I can't wait to work with these amazingly talented people again, and I'm so excited cause I get to wear my fairy costume! And there are going to be fire spinners behind me. Yay :)

Music Video - Day 1

What an amazing day! I could not sleep at all last night because I was so excited to get started on the video, so I started getting ready around 7 this morning, and Karla picked me up at 9. We ran some errands and showed up at the set around 10.30, where the green screen, lights, camera and crew were ready to go! Veronica helped me get into my straight jacket and smudge up my black make-up, and the result was definitely psycho-Shennie... LOVE IT! Hehe. It was great to let loose and move weirdly around with my arms tied up, I really did feel trapped and the footage turned out really good. After shooting that scene, we went on to put me in a white dress, pearls and a white long wig. I had to sit on the ground with chains wrapped around my legs, and I was lifted up out of them to symbolize breaking free from the things that have been holding me back (which were illustrated in the straight jacket scene). I LOVED BEING LIFTED UP IN THE AIR! The ropes hurt my arms but I definitely do not care, it was sooooo fun wheeeee :)
Tomorrow we are going to film flashbacks from my life and a scene at the beach where I am singing with fire spinners and crazy ballerinas behind me. HELL YES!  My Veronica is so creative and experimental, it's great.
Everyone in the crew was really helpful and patient, and I'm so thankful to be able to work with them. And this is only day 1 out of 3! yay!
Me in my straight jacket
Me in my straight jacket :)
Film director Veronica and out little helper Zoe !
Our lovely helper Zoe with film director Veronica :)
Being lifted out of the chains that have been holding me back

Recording Session at Playback Recording Studio

Today was the most wonderful day I've had in such a long time! I woke up at 7 and studied for my business class, then I practiced playing and singing some songs I'm working on at the moment and prepared myself for my recording session at Playback Recording Studio.
Before going to Playback, I met up with Veronica and her boyfriend, Ole (or HOLAAAA as I like to call him... As in hello in spanish.. He loooves that. Hehe.) and a new musician friend of mine, Randy Cobb. We had coffee and talked a bit, and as Randy left Karla picked us up and we all went to the studio.
I was super excited to work with Tucker (the owner of Playback) again, and we all had a lot of fun until they all had to help me get into a sad place inside myself so that my vocals would be straight from the heart.They succeeded and it turned out really good :)
When we finished after a few hours, Karla and I went to lunch and I went on to my evening media class. When I finished, Veronica, Ola and I went back to Playback to attend a listening party they were hosting for a new artist, Kevens. The music was great, with a mixture of reggae,rock, funk and jungle... It was really cool. And the people were so wonderful, super inspiring and talented, and they gave me the honor of playing and listening to my newly recorded song over the studio speakers. Kevens suggested that I go to a music conference in Miami next week, and hopefully I get to go... I am going to manifest it and make it happen. Meanwhile, my video is being filmed this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT!!! Veronica and I are twin souls, and we are gonna make such a sick video... Yeeeeeeah!

My beautiful Veronica and me in between vocal booth sessions

A New week :) happy Monday.

I haven't updated this blog in a while due to my super busy schedule when it comes to school and work. It seems like I've had a million tests and papers and readings to get done, and I've been working a bit as well. Although I'm busy, I absolutely LOVE it and enjoy every moment of it:) I've decided that stressing out about things is no way to deal with life. I used to get a bit stressed but I realized that it was doing more damage than good, so now, if I ever feel like too much is going on, I take a deep breath and calm myself down, asking myself this AWESOME question that helps me get through anything: "will this matter in a year from now?" haha it's so simple but it's so magical.. depending on the answer, I'll decide how to assess the situation and what to do about it. I'm at a coffee shop studying for my business class right now, and my mind is wandering toward everything I want to do when it comes to the business side of music and everything. My mind wanders too much!! Ugh. I have a recording session scheduled at Playback Recording studio on Wednesday so I'm excited for that. And I can't wait to start filming my video on Friday! Wohoooo..:) ... I hope you are having a great day, and if not, ask yourself; will what's upsetting me really matter in a few years from now? Hmmm..

Time to chiiill...

After working hard on school and music for so long, sometimes I feel like I forget how to just do nothing. So now I feel like I'm getting sick and I'm forced to relax, which is actually pretty nice. ..... I am still super excited about the Dirty Bubblegum photo shoot, I have found a wonderful and talented photographer for the job. On the other hand, I am sad to say that my Dirty Bubblegum photographer, Karla Maleski, will be moving back home to Michigan in June. We're gonna miss her so much!!! I am of course very happy for her though, because I know she's made the right decision. As long as she's happy, I'm happy :) Other than that, I don't think anything new has happened. ..... Oh... And something you do today will change a person's life forever! Don't you love how that happens?? Have a great Tuesday :)

Santa Cruz

I woke up at 7 this morning just like I always do, and today my internal alarm clock was more annoying than helpful.. I'm tired!!! Out of all the twenty people who spent the night at my friend's apartment, no one was awake. So I decided to go for a walk, and I ended up at starbucks downtown and I have no idea how to get back cause I walked for like two hours. Haha... I love being lost sometimes... Not knowing where I am or what I'm doing is strangely comforting to me. It means that anything can happen :) . I've been less productive this weekend than since I can remember, and it's really helped me relax. Thanks to Emily for taking me away for the weekend! Our little lovers trip has been awesome. Who needs boys when you've got an Emily? Not meeeee... Hehe

Santa Cruz with Emily <3

Emily and I drove up to Santa Cruz last night to meet up with her parents and stay at their friend's house. When we got here we discovered that the heaters don't work, so it's freeezing! Were breathing out white air. How do you say that in English? Anyway today we are gonna go for a run by the beach and walk around and then go to dinner at the wharf. I think that's the plan. Her family is sooo sweet, and it's actually really chill to get away from everything although I love SB. The only sad thing is that I forgot to bring my guitar, which I'm really really bummed about... I might have to buy a new one! Ohhh noooo. I'll get to spend some lovely quality time with my dearest Emdawg so that's wonderful and I'll have to focus on that instead of the lack of my guitar. Iiiii loooooveeee Emilyyyyy!!!<3 yay. So I should go spend some time with her. Bye <3 ..... PS! 30 seconds to mars will be in SB may 14, and I am sooooo going! It's my future husband.. I'm gonna be mrs Jared Leto soon. I promise.

Damn... What an insanely productive day... !

I woke up at 6 am this morning, completely super awake. Without realizing what I was doing, I jumped out of bed, put on my running clothes and went for an hour long run. Still don't know how that happened, haha.. I feel good now though. Then I went to my business class at 8, and now I'm at a coffee shop working on getting my songs copyrighted. It's quite an annoying process, especially since the internet here is super slow. But whatever, I'm gonna officially own my songs soon! Yay! I'm going shopping for my video with Veronica today, and I have to find a good photographer for the Dirty Bubblegum project. Let me know if you wanna do it ;) . It's gonna be fuuuunnn, wohhoooo. .... Then I have my marketing class tonight, and when I am done I'm heading straight to Santa Cruz with my girl Emily.. Emdaawwg as I like to call her.. Haha I am such a nerd. ... Have a great day, everyone! Smile and be happy :) <3 <3

Dirty Bubblegum Records... Happening!

Happy Wednesday everyone!! It's been raining all day in SB, which I absolutely love... It reminds me of Norway, and it calms me down... Which helps boost my creativity! I had lunch with Veronica and my web designer, Michaela Karlsson, today. I am so lucky to have them in my life, they both inspire me in every possible way. Michaela and I were brainstorming about my record label/artist foundation Dirty Bubblegum (Records) that I started in late December of 2009. She and I are going to design the website for it together, and she's gonna create it. It will be featuring the work of the talented ladies I work with as well as information about each of them, and the purpose of the website is to portray the message and purpose of Dirty Bubblegum, who's mission statement is; "Dirty Bubblegum Records offers a combination of different forms of art that are created and fused together by a team of innovative, dynamic and fearless artists. The product of our team’s collaboration becomes visible through the self-expression of our musicians, resulting in a thorough, all-round personal image and products inspired by and created around the musician in question". ..... The ladies who will be the first to be featured on the website are Michaela Karlsson (web and graphic designer), Veronica Vanglin (filmmaker/producer/director), Karla Maleski (photographer) and Shennie Smith (musician and owner/founder of DBR), and as we develop the website and foundation we will add new unique talents to our team. We have already planned out a sick photoshoot for next weekend, and I can't wait to see my girls bustin out their hotness and power in front of the camera! Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh... :) Michaela and me :)

Making music with Matt Lawrence of Burnt Matches.. Getting ready to record in a few weeks!

I've been working on songs with my CRAZY and insanely hilarious and musical genius friend Matt Lawrence. He is the funniest person EVER and I cannot stop laughing whenever we hang out.. Haha. He's in a band called Burnt Matches, they have really good music and put on great shows. You should definitely check them out at We wrote a few songs together last summer, and we're gonna record them in the last weekend of March. Dude, they sound SO good! I'm super excited for this :) . We're working on some new stuff as well so that's awesome. .. Our band name is Talsexanity -- Talent, sexyness and insanity. wooohooooooo. Kind of a joke, but whatever. ... Right now I'm hanging out with my roomate/wife Eli and my little sugarpuff Emily, who are so funny.. Hahahaha. I'm so lucky to have the friends that I have. I am SO thankful to have so many wonderful people in my life, both here in Santa Barbara and in Norway. THANK YOU FOR BEING IN MY LIFE!! yaayyy yaaayyyy

Quote of the daaay:)

All that we are is a result of what we have thought. -Buddha

Working on writing a song with awesome producer Rogan Allen and talented musician Jason Grad :)

Had a wonderful and productive day today.
My friend and super talented producer Rogan Allen and his just as talented musician friend (and now MY friend as well, yay), Jason, were kind enough to put together a really chill track for me to write to, and I'm working on it right now. I love music! So much! I just wanna live in a studio. When I'm rich I'm gonna design a house that's just one huge studio. Or maybe all the rooms have different studios with different feels to them so that I get inspiration of all kinds so that my music becomes super diverse. Hehe.. I also want my house to look like a giant teapot, just to put that out there. It's gonna be sick. ALMOST AS SICK AS THIS NEW SONG!! woohooooo :)

Shennie Smith as Lady Gaga!

OK so here's the thing. Wilcat is a gay bar in downtown Santa Barbara, and they're having Lady Gaga night on Sunday. So, naturally, I HAVE to perform! I HAVE TO!!!! I love Lady GaGa and I LOVE singing her songs, so I have to make this happen. I wanna dress up as her and perform like her and just be her for one night. I'm going to call them tonight and make this happen.
Dude, I dressed up as her on Halloween.. Doesn't that speak for itself? Mhhhm, exactly.
Shennie GaGa on Halloween

Music and friends <3

It's sunday morning. I'm so excited I stopped drinking alcohol, cause I'm not hungover today! Which is AWESOME! Yay.
I went to see my friend, Fred Pavel, and his band play last night, and I was sooo proud and happy to see how great they were, and I can't wait till his CD comes out cause I'm definitely buying that shit on iTunes.
I went to his show with my beautiful Veronica, who is such an inspiration to me. I just love hanging out with her! We can't stop talking about the music video, and she is honestly one of the few people I've met who as as dark of a mind as I do.. This video is going to be so dark twisted and I love it! We have all the same ideas, I'm always freaked out cause I think she might be reading my mind. Hehe. I love how ambitious she is! This lovely lady is definitely going places. Check out her blog!
Today I am going to do looots of homework, I'm going to the gym and I'm gonna play guitar and work on a song I've started writing, it's such a cute and funny love song and I love singing it. Yaay exciting..
By the way! I saw Cop Out with my roommate Eli yesterday, OH MY GOD. We were so embarrassed cause we were laughing so hard and loud and couldn't stop. I wanna see it again and again and again and agaaaain. Hahahaha it's completely hilarious.
Fred Pavel doing his thing.. :)
Fred Pavel doing his thing
Veronica Vanglin :)
Veronica Vanglin <3

New York? And a new song :)

I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind.. In a good way, but still, I feel like I have a big decision to make.. I babysit for a wonderful family in Montecito a couple times a month, and I absolutely adore the two little girls! We have so much fun together, playing guitar, singing and talking about boys (hehe) and I honestly babysit them just for fun, don't even need the money :) THAT'S HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM!!! haha. which is something that also makes this kinda difficult. Their mom told me that they might be moving to New York for a year, and the final factor that will decide if they go is if the girls get into the school they want them to go to. And... She said that they would love for me to go with them and live with them for a year...! I was blown away, because I've been thinking about moving there because of the music scene, but I've been thinking that I don't wanna go alone and all of that...

So should I go? I am SO thankful just for being invited to go! It's a wonderful opportunity, and I know that I will love living with them. Am I ready to leave Santa Barbara, though? I feel like I have so much going on here right now. Then again, it would only be for a a year, and I would learn and experience so much. It would be cool to meet people in the music business over there as well, to get different perspectives and a broader view of things.. I'm confused, but of course in a good way. This is an amazing thing and I'm happy to be able to be able to even be considering something like this :) .

Anyway, I wrote a new song for my music video that will be filmed in to weeks, and it's kind of a darker song about my childhood and difficulties i general, but it has a lighter component to it as well, about being strong and making it through hard times. I'm excited about it, it's gonna be a lot of fun to shoot this video, especially cause I'm working with swedish directors and filmmakers. Did I mention that I LOVE swedish people? I love them. They're complete geniuses!
Sooo on that note, I'm leaving to study for my business class. Have a great day!! :)
One of the girls I babysir, Alexandra. Adorable :)
Alexandra, one if the girls I babysit, covered herself and me in her millions of stuffed animals :)
She covered me in her stuffed animals, hehe :)

My first blogpost! Wohooo!

I am having coffee with Veronica Vanglin, the producer of my new music video! She was kind enough to help me figure out how to blog... So I'm super excited, yaaaaaaay :)
We are figuring out the plot and storyline of the video, and it's gonna be awesome... Can't wait to film it in two weeks!
Veronica is teaching me how to add photos so I'll have to add a random one. Hehe:)
It's taken and photoshopped by Tam Nguyen.
Me :)

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