Music Video - Day 3

We have finished the filming of "Little Girl". I am proud, happy, anxious, and I'm really sad it's over! It was so much fun. Yesterday we got the last footage needed, I was wearing a black wig, black dress and crazy eye make-up. We went on location to Cachuma Lake and found a really cool tree that I got to climb and sing in, and then we filmed me sitting by the lake and later me waist-deep in the lake. IT WAS COLD! But soooo fun and 100000% worth it because I think it turned out great. One of my favorite scenes was also shot yesterday; it's a close-up of me crying blood. Looks SO real, thanks to Veronica's secret miracle recipe of fake blood. What a multi-talent!
The bloody teardrop!
I'm sad because I don't want to stop hanging out with and working with this crew! They are all so talented and fun to be around.
The crew; Michael, Arren, Veronica, me and Andy.
I am so thankful to all of them for making this weekend a dream come true for me. I've wanted to be filmed in front of a green screen since I saw Christina Aguilera do it on MTV when I was like 11!! And come on, who doesn't dream about crying blood?
Veronica said I looked like a prostituted mermaid. THANKS, BABE! hehe
Brrrrr! Frrreeeezing...
I held a mini-concert for the crew from across the lake.
This was Veronica's favorite scene, and hopefully I did a good job so she's happy about it!! I love her so much for giving me this opportunity.. I loved every second of it, and now I can't wait to see the result!
We are both super tired, but really happy with what we've accomplished this weekend. <3 Love <3


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