Visitor from Norwaaaaayyyy!!!

I haven't written anything in a few days because the internet isn't working at my house... It's really annoying. But it's all good, especially because my dear friend Anine is flying in from Norway today! I'm picking her up right after school, and I can't wait to see her :)
My roommate's best friend, Mari, is also visiting at the moment so we'll be four Norwegian ladies running around the apartment and sharing a room. We have two huge beds and a pretty big room so it's going to be so much fun! Crazy crazy norwegians everywhere. Can you say SLEEPOVER? Fun fun fun.
I am going to school now, and after that I am going to practice some songs with Matt that we will be recording at Playback on Saturday. After practice I have a voice lesson with my WONDERFUL voice coach who I love, and then I am picking up Anine.
I am currently downloading a little video onto YouTube. It's just put together of pictures from the filming of Little Girl with the song playing. As soon as it's finished loading I'll post the link here. You'd better watch it!! And please leave a comment... Here or on YouTube... Comments are fun! And helpful. I welcome all feedback :)

Postat av: Anonym

du er sååå flink shenniee:)

2010-03-25 @ 18:34:34

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