Santa Cruz with Emily <3

Emily and I drove up to Santa Cruz last night to meet up with her parents and stay at their friend's house. When we got here we discovered that the heaters don't work, so it's freeezing! Were breathing out white air. How do you say that in English? Anyway today we are gonna go for a run by the beach and walk around and then go to dinner at the wharf. I think that's the plan. Her family is sooo sweet, and it's actually really chill to get away from everything although I love SB. The only sad thing is that I forgot to bring my guitar, which I'm really really bummed about... I might have to buy a new one! Ohhh noooo. I'll get to spend some lovely quality time with my dearest Emdawg so that's wonderful and I'll have to focus on that instead of the lack of my guitar. Iiiii loooooveeee Emilyyyyy!!!<3 yay. So I should go spend some time with her. Bye <3 ..... PS! 30 seconds to mars will be in SB may 14, and I am sooooo going! It's my future husband.. I'm gonna be mrs Jared Leto soon. I promise.


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