Recording Session at Playback Recording Studio

Today was the most wonderful day I've had in such a long time! I woke up at 7 and studied for my business class, then I practiced playing and singing some songs I'm working on at the moment and prepared myself for my recording session at Playback Recording Studio.
Before going to Playback, I met up with Veronica and her boyfriend, Ole (or HOLAAAA as I like to call him... As in hello in spanish.. He loooves that. Hehe.) and a new musician friend of mine, Randy Cobb. We had coffee and talked a bit, and as Randy left Karla picked us up and we all went to the studio.
I was super excited to work with Tucker (the owner of Playback) again, and we all had a lot of fun until they all had to help me get into a sad place inside myself so that my vocals would be straight from the heart.They succeeded and it turned out really good :)
When we finished after a few hours, Karla and I went to lunch and I went on to my evening media class. When I finished, Veronica, Ola and I went back to Playback to attend a listening party they were hosting for a new artist, Kevens. The music was great, with a mixture of reggae,rock, funk and jungle... It was really cool. And the people were so wonderful, super inspiring and talented, and they gave me the honor of playing and listening to my newly recorded song over the studio speakers. Kevens suggested that I go to a music conference in Miami next week, and hopefully I get to go... I am going to manifest it and make it happen. Meanwhile, my video is being filmed this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT!!! Veronica and I are twin souls, and we are gonna make such a sick video... Yeeeeeeah!

My beautiful Veronica and me in between vocal booth sessions

Postat av: Veronica

Twin souls ♥

2010-03-19 @ 04:16:41

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