A New week :) happy Monday.

I haven't updated this blog in a while due to my super busy schedule when it comes to school and work. It seems like I've had a million tests and papers and readings to get done, and I've been working a bit as well. Although I'm busy, I absolutely LOVE it and enjoy every moment of it:) I've decided that stressing out about things is no way to deal with life. I used to get a bit stressed but I realized that it was doing more damage than good, so now, if I ever feel like too much is going on, I take a deep breath and calm myself down, asking myself this AWESOME question that helps me get through anything: "will this matter in a year from now?" haha it's so simple but it's so magical.. depending on the answer, I'll decide how to assess the situation and what to do about it. I'm at a coffee shop studying for my business class right now, and my mind is wandering toward everything I want to do when it comes to the business side of music and everything. My mind wanders too much!! Ugh. I have a recording session scheduled at Playback Recording studio on Wednesday so I'm excited for that. And I can't wait to start filming my video on Friday! Wohoooo..:) ... I hope you are having a great day, and if not, ask yourself; will what's upsetting me really matter in a few years from now? Hmmm..


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