New York? And a new song :)

I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind.. In a good way, but still, I feel like I have a big decision to make.. I babysit for a wonderful family in Montecito a couple times a month, and I absolutely adore the two little girls! We have so much fun together, playing guitar, singing and talking about boys (hehe) and I honestly babysit them just for fun, don't even need the money :) THAT'S HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM!!! haha. which is something that also makes this kinda difficult. Their mom told me that they might be moving to New York for a year, and the final factor that will decide if they go is if the girls get into the school they want them to go to. And... She said that they would love for me to go with them and live with them for a year...! I was blown away, because I've been thinking about moving there because of the music scene, but I've been thinking that I don't wanna go alone and all of that...

So should I go? I am SO thankful just for being invited to go! It's a wonderful opportunity, and I know that I will love living with them. Am I ready to leave Santa Barbara, though? I feel like I have so much going on here right now. Then again, it would only be for a a year, and I would learn and experience so much. It would be cool to meet people in the music business over there as well, to get different perspectives and a broader view of things.. I'm confused, but of course in a good way. This is an amazing thing and I'm happy to be able to be able to even be considering something like this :) .

Anyway, I wrote a new song for my music video that will be filmed in to weeks, and it's kind of a darker song about my childhood and difficulties i general, but it has a lighter component to it as well, about being strong and making it through hard times. I'm excited about it, it's gonna be a lot of fun to shoot this video, especially cause I'm working with swedish directors and filmmakers. Did I mention that I LOVE swedish people? I love them. They're complete geniuses!
Sooo on that note, I'm leaving to study for my business class. Have a great day!! :)
One of the girls I babysir, Alexandra. Adorable :)
Alexandra, one if the girls I babysit, covered herself and me in her millions of stuffed animals :)
She covered me in her stuffed animals, hehe :)

Postat av: Anonym

så mye nytt!

new york! spennende! go for it om du har lyst! den nye sangen din er dritbra! daarrkk:) <3 love it!

2010-02-27 @ 17:24:47
Postat av: Ane :)

shenniiiiiiooooo, jeg syns du skal flyttet til new york. så spennende da :) men skjønner at det er litt skummelt, om du ikke kjenner noen der.. men venner får men seg vel alltid :)

looove u

2010-02-28 @ 12:19:55

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