Damn... What an insanely productive day... !

I woke up at 6 am this morning, completely super awake. Without realizing what I was doing, I jumped out of bed, put on my running clothes and went for an hour long run. Still don't know how that happened, haha.. I feel good now though. Then I went to my business class at 8, and now I'm at a coffee shop working on getting my songs copyrighted. It's quite an annoying process, especially since the internet here is super slow. But whatever, I'm gonna officially own my songs soon! Yay! I'm going shopping for my video with Veronica today, and I have to find a good photographer for the Dirty Bubblegum project. Let me know if you wanna do it ;) . It's gonna be fuuuunnn, wohhoooo. .... Then I have my marketing class tonight, and when I am done I'm heading straight to Santa Cruz with my girl Emily.. Emdaawwg as I like to call her.. Haha I am such a nerd. ... Have a great day, everyone! Smile and be happy :) <3 <3


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