San Diego

After recording at the studio on Saturday, Anine and I went downtown with Matt and Tucker. It was fun, but I definitely noticed that I need a break from Santa Barbara. I LOVE being there and I love everything about the place, but there's just so much to do there that I can't fully relax. On Sunday we decided to drive down to my psychic in Malibu, and she told me a lot of valuable things. For one, she told me to begin thinking about myself more and not constantly worrying about other people's well-being. I guess that's very true... It does take a lot of energy, but I just want everyone to be happy :) . I realized , though, that I need to focus a bit more on myself and remember to stay grounded and focused. So Anine, Veronica and her boyfriend Ola and I decided to drive to San Diego for two days. We left yesterday (Monday) morning, and its soooo chill to hang out with them and not think about anything that's going on in SB. I just have so many dreams and plans that I'm constantly acting on, which is good, but I needed a break. We're still in SD (it's Tuesday), and we are going to the beach now and then driving home.
Tomorrow is the day for the Dirty Bubblegum photo shoot. I'm excited for that, but until then I am not thinking about business. I'm in San Diego with good friends, it's spring break and I'm relaxing. Feels great :)


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