Thousand Oaks

My roommate Eli, who is also Norwegian, has some friends visiting from Norway, and they are all staying with her other Norwegian friend who lives in Thousand Oaks. In addition to all these Norwegians, my Norwegian friend Anine is still here from Norway, and we are all going to Thousand Oaks to hang out tonight. Damn that's a lot of Norwegians at once. It's gonna be like being in Norway again!!! Anine and I will be going to LA tomorrow and we are staying until Saturday, which is the day her plane leaves :( So sad! I'm going to miss her loveliness! But I guess life goes on, and I am sure that she'll be back before I know it. Meanwhile, I need to focus on school and... Stuff. I'm getting distracted right now because I'm at a coffee shop and a strange man is staring at me so I'm trying to continue to look a the screen and type non-stop so that he doesn't approach me. Is that mean? I'm just not in a socializing mood right now! Oh no... That's kinda bitchy, huh? I'm sorry, karma :( . Anyway, what was I saying? Hmmm nothing of importance, I guess. Have a great Thursday evening, smile and be happy and enjoy every moment!

Anine yesterday at Neverland <3


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