Rain in California

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain outside my window... I love that sound, it makes me feel so relaxed! And it also makes me feel like I'm in Norway, because it rains there so much. Now I'm having breakfast with my roommate/wife/best friend/soulmate Eli at our favorite place, Lazy Acres. Everything's organic and healthy mmmm. And if you haven't tried Kombucha yet, try it! It's a tea that's brewed off a fungus (mm sounds good, I know), but it's sooo good for you and it tastes good too.
Lately I keep thinking about how we all stress too much to get to the next point in life, and by doing that we forget to appreciate the present moment. I am working on staying completely present and thankful for every moment, and living each day as if it was my last. It can be hard because I'm so passionate about things that are going on in my life that I want them to happen NOW, but I'm forgetting to enjoy the journey of getting there. I need to breathe, relax and notice everything around me... Because if I forget to do that, nothing will ever be enough. And I don't want to look back at my life wishing I'd appreciated things more. Everything is always perfect, and everything that happens is a learning experience :)
Have a great day :)


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