I'm back, feelin' it again..

Yes! I'm finally feeling energetic and motivated again. I was so burnt out for a while. School, music, friends, working out, life... I just wanna do it all and sometimes I just can't stop myself from being overactive, the result being a completely worn-out little Shennie who doesn't have any excessive energy left after accomplising what "has to be done". But now, after a weekend relaxing at our friend's beautiful house in Montecito, where I laid by the pool and played guitar while Eli was horseback riding, and sleeping and getting excited about going to this weekend's ASCAP songwriter/musician expo, I am feeling much better.
We recorded the drum tracks for our four songs at Playback on Monday. Engineer and owner of Playback, Tucker Bodine, has become a good friend and is always a pleasure to work with. Matt Lawrence, guitarist and cowriter of the songs, blew me away by showing his production skills as he came up with awesome ideas for how to do the drums. With an insanely talented drummer, Raymond Jones, helping us out, the drums ended up sounding completely perfect. Our friend Edwin Vega layed down some bongos (were they bongos? I don't know what they're called! But they sound like something from the Lion King. Hehe.) to our one song, Smitten, and we are all very happy about how things are coming along.
My friend, Michael Kircos, volunteered to sit in on the session and film us and take photos, which is something I very much appreciate. This footage is going to turn out awesome, no matter what we decide to do with it.
Veronica Vanglin and Andrej Landin, my two swedish friends and filmmakers, were also hanging out with us for a bit.
All in all, it was a great vibe and everyone did a great job. For a moment I just sat back and took in the atmosphere, realizing how incredibly lucky I am to be surrounded by these people. They really are wonderful; talented, kind, loving and helpful, and I have really care about each of them. I am so thankful to have them in my life, inspiring me, motivating me, supporting me and just being who they are.
At the studio: Andy taking a picture of Veronica and me.
My roomie, soulmate, wifey and best friend Eli watching the puppy drink fountain water.
At our friend's beautiful Montecito home


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